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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 



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Hi, Folks,

A couple of weeks back Annie asked how I did my favourite....... Layers.......Soft Brushes......Flatten...Processing.....I'm not as clever as Phil and BP so cant produce screen shots......... (perhaps one might do them for me?)


NOTE:....By using SOFT BRUSHES on LAYERS you can SELECTIVELY apply amost ANY effect from Contrast,Curves, Saturation, Sharpen etc. etc by this method....which, once learned is very easy and quick:

As a base I used a purchased DVD Tutorial on Mono Contrast Grading by Martin Henson....Thank You Martin:

1: Open your chosen photograph (after straightening and initial adjustment in PS Bridge if you have it)

2: I always look at the PS Auto Adjustments to see if they improve things.....Levels, Contrast, Colour.....save if pic is improved:

3: Ensure that you have DEFAULT Workspace on RH side of screen...if not go to WINDOW to find it. your chosen pic will be at the top of it.........Now DRAG thumbnail here down on to the NEW LAYER logo (small squre with peeled corner) second from right bottom of workspace panel...a New Layer is ready to work on over your on screen pic:


4: Go to...IMAGE Adjustments.......Choose ...say...CURVES......a box will open up showing CURVES....Click anywhere in the pic and watch just where along the curve you have chosen....it will be that area that you can adust contrast up or down:....(You Could also have chosen FILTER...Unsharp Mask etc)



5: When Ready to apply your chosen adjustment...make your layer panel BLACK...I do what I learned and press Alt whilst clicking mouse curser held over the layer logo with a small circle second in from RHS)...You are now ready to apply your chosen adjustment:


6: CHECK BRUSH SIZE......( I use AIRBRUSH on NORMAL)....BRUSH HARDNESS...BRUSH OPACITY.....ADJUST OPACITY SLIDERS to SUIT.......Then simply BRUSH your chosen adjustment exactly where you want it:....Remember that you can go to Step Backward EDIT or FADE at any time.



7: When happy with the result go to LAYER, then go down list to click ...LAYER FLATTEN....this fixes your adjustment....this saves Disk Space so I use it:


8: I work on all of my best photographs (mono and colour) in this way..............it may not be your way...... but things need to be simple for me:

Annie......Just print this down and have a go......printed instructions always look complicated...but do it Steb by Step......I look foreward to seeing results soon:


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PHIL.........That is just brilliant......a huge thank you...........I owe you a pint.

If you ever venture this way I can offer you a guided tour, and a pint of .....Hook Norton.....at the Clarendon Arms opposite the front of the Castle.


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  • 3 years later...

I've returned to this.....my own tutorial ( with the help of Phil)

For the life of me, no matter how hard I try.....I just cannot get that Layer Panel go black......

I used to know, but I can't recall how.....heeeeeeeelp!


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Many thanks everyone......I have now sorted it, I was clicking the wrong key.........The keyboard on the laptop is slightly smaller than a full size desktop one.....that's my excuse anyway ?

One I have an updated DNG Converter, I will be able to have a go at the Cycle Race shots taken this morning.'


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