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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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Posts posted by Leon

  1. Hi Sam, welcome


    dont worry about what gear you have, if you look on you-tube for Digital rev, Kai did a series called "cheap camera challenge", basically they give a really bad camera to a professional photographer, I really like the Chase Jarvis one.


    as many toggers say (not just photographers, most hobbies) it's not what you have it's how you use it.


    I personally use a 2nd hand Canon 1100d with 2nd hand lenses, if you look on my Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/91184957@N03/ you will see what can be achieved with basic equipment (yes I know it's more advanced than your camera but you get the idea)


    all the best and keep posting, we are a good bunch here, sometimes though what we would say face to face does not come out the same as it does on the forum so please don't think people are being mean or abrupt.

  2. I don't want to put you off this but my advice would be to use the time available to you wisely to prepare.

    You'll need lights (not just on camera flash) and backdrops with the equipment to hold them, you'll need to practice setting that kit up and understanding how it works by taking shots of family etc. Practice giving posing advice as well.

    You'll probably need a spare camera in case yours fails or at least a spare battery for yours.

    Spare cards will be needed and a means to take info from people (a simple form for them to complete) in case your printer fails.

    By all means go for it with this, but go in prepared for the job at hand so you can r do a job both you and the attendees will be happy with.

    cheers for the advice, just sold my 2nd camera!!, the guy organising has the same camera as me so I;ll borrow that, lighting and backdrops are being purchased by the organisers also, I will (if I earn enoug from it) buy it all from them, and yes I know I have a lot to do before hand, I have till the middle of October.


    my buddy Neil does these events all the time, I have previously refused but I am now confident :)

  3. I have been asked by a friend to do the stars and fans photo's at Preston Comicon in October, my buddy is a MASSIVE child (think he's 52?) and a huge starwars fan his job at these events is to book the stars, he knows DARTH VADER personally!!


    I know I'll need backdrops, a flash ect but he's asked me if I can upload a logo and get the computer to print it like a watermark, I know gow to add a watermark after but no idea how to do it as I print?


    we are both hoping I'll be really busy so can't afford to spend a few minutes editing each one.....


    2nd question is does anyone know where I can hire a professional grade 5x7 or 6x8 printer WITHOUT a £500 deposit..... I don't want to buy an inkjet ptinter, too much to go wrng and too expensive for ink ect.... I want a die sub one really.....


    unless someone has one they would trust me with if I replaced the inc ect...



  4. Yes, though I'm prepared to bet you can buy cheaper rechargeables than Duracell!

    you probably can, but if you buy the cheapest is that not false economy? Duracell are £10, Canon are £40 I wouldn't want to risk something ruining my camera when it's only days old..

    I have bouught Duracell for the last few camera's, never let me down so far..

  5. I sold the 1000D the other day, the two cheapy Canon lenses and the Sigma 70-300, probably for less than I would have done on ebay but I just wanted rid and the money in my pocket. ( no good sat at home collecting dust!)


    so I bought myself a Canon SX280 HS compact with 20x optical zoom, I am very impressed!!  when we are all out together the kids/wifey can use it while I lug round my other camera :)




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  6. I did a christening a few months ago, told him to pay me what he thought was fair, I personally thought a lot of them were poor, he thought they were fantastic and paid me double what I had in mind!!



    on the other hand I have a friend and his wife had to put the wedding clothes back on and have more photo's taken as the togger "did not find the right time to take couple shots"


    they paid thousands too!!


    I have refused to do weddings as I would not like to be the one to ruin someone's big day!!

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